Reem Alsalem Must Go!

Parental Alienation is a severe form of domestic abuse that victimizes both the child and the targeted parent. The most comprehensive review of the parental alienation (PA) literature summarizes over 300 peer-reviewed studies conducted in 32 countries around the world, and concludes,

“It is no longer tenable to dismiss the field as lacking in scientific status. Only by recognizing the legitimacy of PA scholarship will developmental psychology sustain and enhance understanding of how and why parent–child relationships break down in the wake of interparental conflict, separation, and divorce.”

In 2023, UN Special Rapporteur Reem Alsalem submitted to the Human Rights Council her report, “Custody, Violence Against Women and Violence against Children.” The document refers to parental alienation as an “unscientific pseudo-concept,” and recommends that countries should “legislate to prohibit the use of parental alienation or related pseudo concepts in family law cases.”

A detailed analysis by the Parental Alienation Study Group and Global Action for Research Integrity in Parental Alienation reveals the UN report was filled with “misleading statements and blatant misinformation.” The analysis also warns, “democracy itself is in danger of being overtaken by totalitarian ideologies and regimes.” Refuting the central claim of the UN document, a recent analysis of PA cases concluded, “alienating mothers’ claims of abuse against known ‘abusive’ alienated fathers were not being discredited more often than they were for alienating fathers.”

In July 2023, the UN Human Rights Council refused to approve the deeply flawed report. But ignoring the rebuke, Alsalem continued her dishonest campaign, carrying her anti-child message to Canada, England, and elsewhere.

Reem Alsalem is a science-denier who claims that parental alienation is an “unscientific pseudo-concept.” So DAVIA has launched a campaign to Give Reem the Boot! We are asking you to contact her boss, Volker Turk, with the simple message, “Reem Alsalem Must Go!” Here’s Volker Turk’s email address:

Parental Alienation Awareness Day

Since 2008, Parental Alienation Awareness Day has been observed on April 25 as part of the global campaign to raise awareness about parental alienation.


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