Perpetration of Minor Domestic Violence
Among University Students in 32 Countries
Copyright © Eric L. Nelson, The Judicial War on Men, 2019
Hundreds of research studies conducted around the world demonstrate that men and women are equally likely to engage in domestic violence. These studies have been summarized in a number of reviews:
- Esteban Eugenio Esquivel-Santoveña et al: Partner Abuse Worldwide
- Nicola Graham-Kevan: The Gendered Perspective of Domestic (Intimate Partner) Violence: A Review of the Evidence
- Martin Fiebert: References Examining Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male Partners
- John Archer: Sex Differences in Aggression Between Heterosexual Partners: A Meta-Analytic Review
- Andreia Machado, Catarina Sousa, Olga Cunha: Bidirectional Violence in Intimate Relationships: A Systematic Review
- DAVIA: Around the World, Similar Levels of Domestic Violence Seen Between Men and Women
Same-Sex Couples:
- Luca Rollè: A Review of Same Sex Intimate Partner Violence
- DAVIA: Abused Lesbian Women, Re-Victimized by Feminist Ideology
Teenagers and University Students:
- Wincentak, K., Connolly, J., & Card, N.: Teen Dating Violence: A Meta-Analytic Review of Prevalence Rates
- Murray A. Straus: Dominance and Symmetry in Partner Violence by Male and Female University Students in 32 Nations — see graph at top of this page.
Region- and Country-Specific:
- Africa
- Asia
- Europe:
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- North America:
Coercive Control:
- Australian Institute of Family Studies: What the Research Evidence Tells Us about Coercive Control Victimisation
Concealment and Distortion:
- Murray Straus: Processes Explaining the Concealment and Distortion of Evidence on Gender Symmetry in Partner Violence
Child Abuse:
- Administration for Children and Families: Child Victims by Perpetrator Relationship
- National Parents Organization: Shared Parenting and Child Abuse and Neglect: An Ohio Study
Robert Whelan: Broken Homes and Battered Children
- — Perpetrators: 91% female, 1% female and male, 7% unreported
- Janice Fiamengo: When Feminism is Child Abuse
- Child abuse in Denmark — see chart –>
Effects of Marriage on Domestic Violence:
Shared Parenting and Domestic Violence:
- Anja Steinbach, Lara Augustijn, Gerrit Corkadi: Joint Physical Custody and Adolescents’ Life Satisfaction in 37 North American and European Countries
- Spain: Bargaining under Threats: The Effect of Joint Custody Laws on Intimate Partner Violence
- USA: Shared Parenting Law Having a Positive Effect on Domestic Violence
- Video: Shared Parenting Reduces Intimate Partner Violence
Effects of Father Presence:
- Linda Nielsen: Joint Versus Sole Physical Custody: Outcomes for Children Independent of Family Income or Parental Conflict
- Fix Family Courts: Fatherless Single Mother Home Statistics
Parental Alienation:
- Jennifer Harman, Richard Warshak, Demosthenes Lorandos, Matthew Florian: Developmental Psychology and the Scientific Status of Parental Alienation
Fetal Abduction and Child Homicides:
- Heidi Stöckl et al: Child Homicide Perpetrators Worldwide: A Systematic Review
- Michael Welner et al: Fetal Abduction by Maternal Evisceration
- Administration on Children, Youth, and Families: Child Maltreatment, 2021, Table 4-4.
Male Victims of Rape:
- Jessica Persaud: Victims With Responsibilities: Requiring Male Victims Of Statutory Rape To Pay Child Support With No Escape
- Roberta Liggett O’Malley: Short-Term and Long-Term Impacts of Financial Sextortion on Victim’s Mental Well-Being
- Australia
- United States