Contact: Henry Herrera

Telephone: +1-301-801-0608


 ‘Feminist Derangement Syndrome’ and the Repudiation of Gender Equality

December 16, 2024 – OnlyFans star Leilani Philips boasted last week about being “ploughed through” by 100 men in a single day. She recounted how she scheduled the liaisons at five-minute intervals in order to reach her 100 body-count. Philips expressed only a single regret: “Personally it makes me think what a complete con the sexual liberation movement is/was. Conning women and men out of settling down and having a family.” (1)

Leilani Philips represents a new breed of feminist who engages in casual self-objectification, a symptom of what commentators refer to as “Feminist Derangement Syndrome.” Commentators have revealed the many ways that feminists indulge in FBS:

Patrice Lewis: In her Feminist Derangement Syndrome Watch, Patrice Lewis explains how “feminists carry a burden of hatred everywhere they go. While they are scornful of women who don’t fall in line with their cause, they save their most lethal contempt for men.….Feminism long ago left the realm of admirable and entered the realm of evil.” (2)

Robert Stacy McCain: This blogger describes Feminist Derangement Syndrome as women who are reduced to “clichéd stereotypes of lunatic man-hating absurdity.” Highlighting the picture of feminist Jessica Valenti flaunting her “I Bathe In Male Tears” shirt, McCain reveals how Valenti cruelly seeks to “incite young women to take pleasure in male suffering.” McCain goes on to note that the feminist “tendency to denigrate men” is “responsible for the decline of marriage.” (3)

Carrie Gress: Author of The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us, commentator Gress explains, “My fundamental critique of feminism is that it started with the wrong question, asking: ‘How to make women more like men?’ As a result, this centuries-old misstep has deeply harmed our culture, marriage, the family, and the unborn.” Gress goes on the reveal the irony of “women who have done all that feminist culture prescribed, but still could not figure out why they were miserable.” (4)

Dargil: Twitter denizen Dargil reveals the long-lasting effects of the condition: “Feminist Derangement Syndrome (FDS) has told them that traditional female roles are enslavement. That marital sex is rape. And so on. FDS is a mental illness brought about by indoctrination at sensitive ages. >>>Just like real racism<<< . And like racism, once a person is infected by FDS, it is almost impossible to reverse.” (5)

For years, feminists insisted their movement was dedicated to the lofty goal of gender equality. But when confronted with the fact that men are now lagging in areas such as education, health status, and many more (6), feminists turned a deaf ear.

One of the worst purveyors of FDS is UN Women, which depicts women as endless victims of the all-powerful patriarchy (7), promotes obvious falsehoods (8), and refuses to acknowledge the existence of female domestic abusers (9),

Once feminists became filled with a sense of superiority and entitlement, the quest for “gender equality” was quickly replaced with Feminist Derangement Syndrome.

The Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance – DAVIA — consists of 174 member organizations from 38 countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. DAVIA seeks to ensure that domestic violence and abuse polices are science-based, family-affirming, and sex-inclusive.

