Mike Buchanan

Telephone: +44 7967 026163


UN Women’s Meeting Featured Totalitarian Tactics Designed to Silence Dissent and Weaken Families

April 5, 2023 – The United Nations recently hosted the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meeting March 6-17, and attended by 6,000 feminists from around the world. Despite claims that this event is all about promoting “gender equality,” in truth, it serves as a rallying point for the international radical gender movement. Fortunately, a number of pro-family groups such as United Families International were able to attend (1).

In advance of the meeting, the organizers issued repeated warnings to attendees to avoid “harassment of any kind, including but not limited to offensive comments related to gender, gender identity, and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, physical appearance, political affiliation, age, race, national and ethnic origin, immigration status, language, religion, or indigeneity.” Clearly, any discussion about transgenderism would be verboten.

But the warning was not heeded by feminist activists. During one event dedicated to the topic of safeguarding children from pornography and online harms, the panel was interrupted by protestors shouting down the panelists and calling them “bigots” and “haters.” (2)

Another session addressed the issue of protecting children from sexting. But instead of advocating for greater parental control, one person advocated, “When you sext a nude photo of yourself, place a copyright symbol in the corner” in order to discourage the recipient from posting the image (3).

The main focus of the CSW event is to insert radical language into a document called the “Agreed Conclusions,” which creates a legal precedent for a range of anti-family programs funded by the United Nations. The Center for Family & Human Rights, known as C-FAM, revealed how feminists relied on a series of dirty tricks to wear down their opposition, such as keeping negotiations going for days without a break, running them into the early morning, and not providing simultaneous translations of delegates’ statements (4).

This year, the loaded terms included “sexual and reproductive health and rights,” “comprehensive sexuality education,” and “women, in all their diversity.” But by the last day of the two-week conference, consensus still had not been reached: “Diplomatic assaults came in wave after wave throughout the last night of the largest annual feminist gathering in the World…Tired and frustrated delegates finally adopted the agreement at 4:00 AM this morning in a mostly empty room,” C-FAM recounted (5).

At the 2023 Commission on the Status of Women, feminists came up mostly empty-handed. But they will come back.

The Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance – DAVIA — consists of 78 member organizations from 31 countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. DAVIA seeks to ensure that domestic violence and abuse polices are science-based, family-affirming, and sex-inclusive.


  3. Presentation by UFI to the Title IX Network, March 29, 2023.