Contact: Rebecca Hain

Telephone: +1-513-479-3335


The Guardian Resorts to Orwellian Propaganda to Pad Police Board Coffers

June 7, 2024 – Newspaper headlines in recent weeks have been dominated by sordid accounts about female perpetrators of violence and abuse:

  • In May, millions of persons watched the gripping Baby Reindeer documentary, which documented the years-long stalking campaign of performer Richard Gadd by a female stalker (1).
  • Zoe Rider and Nicola Lethbridge tortured and killed Stephen Koszyczarski after falsely accusing him of being a paedophile. Sentencing each of the women to 13 years in jail, Judge Wright remarked, “The purpose of your attack was to steal from him and to humiliate, terrify and hurt him.” (2)
  • Sarah Rigby physically abused her boyfriend, Gareth Jones, and taunted him about his hairline, weight, and sexual performance. Earlier this week, Jones appeared in a video designed to raise awareness about male victims of abuse (3).

These incidents are far from unique. The British Crime Survey reports men are equally likely to be victims of domestic violence as women (4). According to the Office of National Statistics, 31.8% of male abuse victims, compared to only 22.7% of female victims, suffer a physical injury from the incident (5).

Such facts are highly distressing to both police departments and women’s aide organizations, which have a long-standing record of issuing exaggerated claims of male abusers and female victims, a narrative that plays heavily on persons’ sense of chivalry and fear.

But rather than adopting their narrative to account for the facts, feminist sympathizers are pushing back with wild claims that are unverifiable and false.

This past Tuesday, The Guardian published an article titled, “Met chief says millions of men are danger to women and girls in England and Wales” (6). The article relies on the findings of a yet-to-be released – and therefore currently unverifiable – police report.

Written by Police and Crime Correspondent Vikram Dodd, the article consists of a series of emotion-laden generalizations that directly contradict the scientific findings presented above.

The article opens with this red-meat claim: “Millions of men in England and Wales pose a danger to women and children, the commissioner of the Metropolitan police has said.”

Dodd’s essay is replete with fantasy statements such as “Other data shows that 800,000 women a year are sexually assaulted.” But the actual number is one-tenth of that. The ONS reports, “The overall statistics in England and Wales found that 85,000 women experience rape, attempted rape or sexual assault every year.” (7)

Predictably, the article laments the projected “budget shortfall” for the London Policing Board and calls for “more money to tackle the problem.”

Vikram Dodd’s hit-piece is an embarrassment to the journalistic Code of Ethics that demands writers must ensure that information is “honestly conveyed, accurate and fair,” and articles must “differentiate between fact and opinion.” (8)

George Orwell once wrote, “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful.” Readers of The Guardian should ask why they support a news operation that casually disregards the truth in its sinister quest to demonize men.

The Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance – DAVIA — consists of 145 member organizations from 36 countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. DAVIA seeks to ensure that domestic violence and abuse polices are science-based, family-affirming, and sex-inclusive.


  5. Table 9.