Contact: Rebecca Stewart

Telephone: 513-479-3335


New Video Documents Widespread Constitutional Violations of Violence Against Women Act

WASHINGTON / April 18, 2022 – A newly released video documents numerous ways in which the Violence Against Women Act distorts and negates the plan language of the Constitution.

The First Amendment ensures free speech. But overly broad definitions of domestic violence can encompass comments that may be perceived by a partner as offensive, but are protected by the Constitution.

The Fourth Amendment assures that citizens must be “secure in their persons’ house, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” VAWA promotes the issuance of no-contact orders, without affording the respondent the opportunity to tell his side of the story.

The Fourth Amendment also mandates that there must exist probable cause before a person can be seized. But from the beginning, VAWA has promoted mandatory arrest policies.

The Fourteen Amendment guarantees that the state may “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. But definitions of domestic violence are so vague that it becomes difficult to disprove an allegation of abuse.

The Fourteen Amendment also states, “No state shall make or enforce any law which…den[ies] to any person  its jurisdiction equal protection of the laws.” Despite the fact that men are more likely than women to be abuse victims, the vast majority of abuse arrests are of men.

The Coalition to End Domestic Violence estimates that each year, two million persons experience violations of their constitutional rights as a result of VAWA-driven policies.

Commentator Robert Franklin sums up the civil rights debacle this way (1):

For many years, feminists “lied about the facts of DV [domestic violence] in order to tar men as the sole abusers of women and demand radical changes in the law and police practice. Governments, seeing an opportunity to expand their power, readily agreed. Individual women soon came to understand their ability to recruit state power against their male partners. Due process of law went out the window as police were trained that, in any case of alleged DV, it was the male who was at fault.  He could be removed from his home, children and belongings, and placed under a court order solely on the say-so of his wife/girlfriend. DV restraining orders routinely violated the most obvious constitutional strictures.”

The six-minute video is available on the website of the Coalition to End Domestic Violence (2). More information is available in the CEDV report, An Assault Upon Our Civil Rights (3).

Once the Constitution is jettisoned for the chivalrous cause of protecting women, the proverbial slippery slope becomes a precipitous cliff.

