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Half of All Sexual Predators Are Female. Why is the UN Human Rights Council Engaged in a Global Cover-Up?

May 8, 2024 – Sexual abuse by women has attracted widespread attention in recent years, including provocative books such as Women Who Rape Men (1). While many persons believe men are more likely than women to engage in sexual abuse, recent media accounts and research paint a very different picture.

Recently the Daily Mail featured an article about “Cougars in the Classroom,” which recounted how 25 female teachers in the United States had been arrested in the past year and charged with sexual assault of their male students. In Arkansas for example, Heather Hare raped a high school boy 20-30 times, and now faces up to life in prison (2).

Similar crimes have been reported in other countries:

Australia: “A woman who appeared on a Channel 7 TV show is facing almost 80 rape and child abuse charges.” (3)

Canada: “Winnipeg police announced last week that [hockey coach] Madison Biluk had been charged with 15 offences, including sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and luring.” (4)

United Kingdom: “Up to 64,000 women in UK ‘are child-sex offenders’…police say number of women abusing children is rising.” (5)

Such lurid accounts leave unanswered the question, How often do women engage in sexual abuse, compared to men? The wording of the survey is important, because the word “rape” suggests the forcible genital penetration of a woman, ignoring the sexual victimization of men. So researchers now use the term “made to penetrate” when they survey men.

Such surveys present surprising results. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, each year 1.92 million men are made to sexually penetrate, compared to nearly identical numbers of females who are victims of rape: 1.93 million women (6). In 82.6% of the “made to penetrate” cases, the perpetrator was a female (7).

A second study published by the American Psychological Association found that 43% of high school boys and young college men reported they had had an unwanted sexual experience. In 95% of these cases, a female acquaintance was the aggressor (8).

Persons should be concerned about women’s sexual abuse of men for both humanitarian and rape-prevention reasons.

Three years ago the Washington Post Magazine featured an article titled, Sexual Assault Against Boys is a Crisis. Author Emma Brown admitted, “Deep down, somewhere under my skin, I was holding on to some seriously wrongheaded assumptions — ideas so ingrained I did not even notice them, ideas that rendered boys as something less than human.” (9)

In addition, the sexual abuse of boys is a precursor to the subsequent rape of women. One survey of male rapists reached this stunning conclusion: “Data were collected from 83 men (aged 20–54 yrs.) who had been convicted of raping women. 59% were found to have been molested at a mean age of 10.86 yrs. by older females. Intercourse was involved in 82% of the cases.” (10)

A review of the UN Human Rights Council website fails to identify a single report, meeting, or other mention of female perpetrators of sexual abuse. The Human Rights Council needs to stop treating women’s sexual abuse of men like a joke.

The Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance – DAVIA — consists of 144 member organizations from 35 countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. DAVIA seeks to ensure that domestic violence and abuse polices are science-based, family-affirming, and sex-inclusive.


  6. Table 1.
  7. Page 6.