Established in 2021, DAVIA — the Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance — is a global human rights organization that addresses the interrelated issues of domestic abuse, domestic violence, false allegations, parental alienation, and shared parenting, particularly how these issues affect men and families.
DAVIA member organizations are located in over 35 countries, and engage in a broad range of activities such as:
- Advocacy and policy development
- Public awareness
- Litigation
- Research
- Direct delivery of services
There are no membership fees. Organizations that wish to join DAVIA should send contact information to DAVIA@endtodv.org
- Reform the United Nations
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Men
- Parental Alienation
- Stop False Allegations
- Istanbul Convention — Europe
- Research: https://endtodv.org/coalitions/davia/research/
- Special Reports: https://endtodv.org/reports/
- Press Releases: https://endtodv.org/press-room/
DAVIA member organizations set their own priorities and plan their own activities. The DAVIA membership currently consists of the following 181 organizations located in 37 countries….and continues to grow!
- Global Initiative for Boys and Men
- International Council on Shared Parenting
- International Families Alliance
- International Mens Day
- International Support Network for Alienated Children
- International Support Network of Alienated Families
- MaleSurvivor
- PA Consortium
- Parental Alienation Study Group
- Partners in Men’s Health
- Star Network Foundation
- United Nations Panel on Parental Alienation
- Victims of Immigration Fraud
- Africa-wide:
- Kenya:
- Nigeria:
- Sierra Leone:
- South Africa:
- South Sudan
- Impact Girls South Sudan
- Uganda
- India:
- Israel:
- By Your Side (LETZIDCHEM)
- Fathers for Justice
- Pakistan:
- Philippines:
- Turkey:
- Turkey Split Families and Children Association (TÜDAÇDER)
- Australia:
- New Zealand:
- Europe-wide:
- Bulgaria:
- Alternative Energie
- Association of Kids Rights 24
- Czech Republic:
- Traditional Family Association (Tradicni Rodina)
- Denmark:
- England and Wales:
- APPG on Family Separation
- Artists Against the False Allegations Industry
- Attachment and Forensic Services, Ltd
- Break the Silence UK
- Cambridge Alliance of Legal Psychology
- Centre for Male Psychology
- Dads Matter
- Dad Mind Matters
- Empowering the Innocent
- False Allegations Support Organization
- Falsely Accused Day
- Falsely Accused Network
- Family Attachment Consultancy
- Fighting for the Falsely Accused
- Gender Parity UK
- JaredWhitaker.com
- ManHealth
- Marriage, Sex & Culture Group
- Men and Boys Initiative
- Men and Women Working Together
- Men Matter Too
- Parental Alienation Awareness
- Parental Alienation UK
- Positive Conclusions
- Power and Control Wheel
- Temper Domestic Violence
- Thetinmen
- Trying to Be a Dad
- France:
- Association for Fathers, Children, and Mothers (Association Père Enfant Mère)
- Gender Studies for Men
- Ireland:
- Italy:
Ankyra Antiviolence Center for Men and Women (Ankyra-Centro Antiviolenza per Uomini e Donne)
Association for Promotion and Development, Individual and Relational (A.PRO.S.I.R. Association)
- MEDEA ODV Marche
- Lithuania:
- Equal Parenting Association (Lygiavertės Tevystės Asociacija)
- Malta
- Netherlands:
- Father Knowledge Center Foundation (Stichting Vader Kennis Centrum)
- Northern Ireland:
- Poland:
- Peaks of Parental Alienation (Szczyty Alienacji Rodzicielskiej)
- Wilamowski Adwokaci Partnership
- Portugal:
- Parental Equality (Igualdade Parental)
- Slovenia:
- Association of Fathers of Slovenia (Društvo očetov Slovenije)
- Spain:
- ANAVID — National Association for Assistance to Victims of Domestic Violence (Asociacion Nacional de Ayuda a Victimas de Ayuda de Violencia Doméstica)
- Association for Children’s Rights and Shared Parenting of Extremadura (Asociación Por los Derechos de los Niños Custodia Compartida Extremadura)
- Association for the Defense of Mistreated Men (Asociación para la Defensa de los Hombres Maltratados)
- Institute For Social Policy (Instituto de Política Social)
- Feminine Movement for True Equality (Movimiento Femenino por la Igualdad Real)
- Movement for Men’s Rights (Movimiento por los Derechos del Hombre)
- Sweden:
- Custody, Residency, and Visitation (Vardnad Boende Umgange)
- Swedish Achilles Foundation (Akillesförbundet)
- Argentina:
- Argentinian Women’s Front Against False Allegations (Frente de Mujeres Argentinas Contra las Falsas Denuncias)
- False Allegations Observatory (Observatorio de Falsas Denuncias)
- Chile:
- Foundation for Shared Parenting (Fundación Crianza Compartida)
- Ecuador:
- Fathers For Justice (Padres Por Justicia)
- Uruguay:
- Men United (Varones Unidos)
- Bermuda:
- ChildWatch Bermuda
- Canada:
- Canadian Equal Parenting Council
- Dads Matter Too
- False Allegations Canada
- Kersi Consulting
- Lawyers for Shared Parenting
- LudmerLaw
- Parlons Entre Hommes/ Rising Men Alliance
- Protests 4 Men
- Quebec New Spouses Action (l’Action des nouvelles conjointes du Québec)
- Voice of Men 360
- Quinte Cultural Innovation Committee
- XY Spark
- Trinidad and Tobago:
- United States:
- 100K Fathers
- Abu Nafs Psychology
- Advocates for the Falsely Accused
- Aequalitatem Publishing
- Amendment 28 Campaign
- Americans for Equal Shared Parenting
- Ananias Foundation
- Child Custody Coalition
- Claire Best & Associates
- Coalition to End Domestic Violence
- Coalition to Create a White House Council on Boys and Men
- Colorado Parental Alienation Support
- Colorado Resilience
- CSI Consulting
- Dads Against Discrimination –New Jersey & New York Chapters
- Daddy Doesn’t Love You
- Dads and Moms PAC
- Dads’ Resource Center
- Domestic Violence Wears Many Tags
- Families Uniting Families
- Family Access — Fighting for Children’s Rights
- Family Preservation Alliance
- Father X Productions, LLC
- Fatherless Generation Foundation
- Fatherly Justice Association
- Foundation for Parental Rights for Veteran Fathers
- Heroes for Children’s Rights
- I Am a Dad
- Kids Need Both
- Law Center
- Male Positive Media
- Man By Design
- MartyNemko.com
- Men Are Good
- Men Need to Be Heard
- MenAlive
- Men’s Divorce Coaching
- Men’s Equality
- Mentor Discover Inspire
- Michigan for Shared Parenting
- National Coalition For Men
- National Parents Organization, New York Affiliate
- New Hampshire Advocates for Parental Equality
- New York Families for Tomorrow
- Non Sibi International Advisory Consulting Services
- Parental Alienation Resource
- Perses Institute
- Public Policy Exchange
- Safe At Home Foundation
- Shine The Light For Abducted Children
- Stop False Allegations Against Men
- Title IX Network
- Victim to Hero
- Washington Initiative for Boys and Men
- Why Daddy Never Cries
- Wisconsin for Children and Families
- Working Well With Men
Email: DAVIA@endtodv.org
- Sean Parker: DAVIA – Turning the Tide of Androphobic Propaganda